Alternative Provison

Alternative Provision Located in Sheffield and Rotherham.

Offering Academic / Key work Interventions / Social Skills

Secondary Outreach

Outreach Student Support in School or in our great hub. 

Helping guide students cope with bereavement, trauma, mental health, anxiety…..

Staff Wellbeing

Return to work, support for staff with long term abscence to build them back up and return to school. 
Illness prevention – Staff Mental Health Support in school or at our hub. 
Fitness and Nutritional Help after school for staff. 


Young People can access different qualifications with KRS, we offer Functional Skills Maths and English as well as Active IQ in Sport, giving students a great chance of additional qualifications, to build confidence before GCSEs, increasing post 16 pathways. 

Remote Learning

Perfect for students who are struggling to find their way into school for a plethora of reasons. 

English and Maths lessons Online

KRS Workshops

CPD – Workshops Coming Soon
CPD – Online Courses coming Soon

Experience the Alternative Provision Difference!

Discover a dynamic alternative education pathway tailored for young learners, offered directly to schools seeking to enrich their curriculum. Our programme covers essential academic subjects including English, Maths, and Science, integrated seamlessly with Physical Education (PE) and Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE). This holistic approach not only enhances academic proficiency but also promotes physical wellbeing and personal development, preparing students for a well-rounded future. Partner with us to provide your students with the tools they need to succeed in all aspects of their lives.

KRS Education – Alternative Provision: Who We Help

  • Improve Attendance: We tackle absenteeism head-on, ensuring students are engaged and excited about coming to KRS.
  • Mental Health Support: Our caring approach addresses mental health challenges, providing a safe space for students to express themselves.
  • Trigger Behaviour Analysis: We dig deep to understand trigger behaviours, helping students overcome obstacles and thrive academically.
  • SEND and EHCP: Our specialised team is dedicated to working with SEND students, ensuring their unique needs are met, including those with EHCPs.
  • Social and Emotional Interaction: We foster healthy social and emotional growth, helping students build essential life skills and meaningful connections.

At KRS Education, we’re here to empower every student’s journey to success.

Upskilling and Learning - Adult Learning

Sheffield Alternative Education Days
Tues – Friday

Rotherham Alternative Education Days

Comprehensive Well-being Support Programmes for School Communities

Art therapy and other similar programmes can be vital in helping students overcome various obstacles that impede their learning. Here are five common challenges students face that can be alleviated through these therapeutic interventions:

Art therapy, play therapy, LEGO therapy, and sports therapy offer diverse benefits for children and young adults by addressing their psychological, emotional, and physical needs. Art therapy fosters emotional expression and healing through creative mediums, allowing participants to explore and resolve internal conflicts. Play therapy enhances cognitive development and social skills, providing a natural context for communication and learning through play. LEGO therapy focuses on collaborative building tasks that improve problem-solving abilities, fine motor skills, and social interaction, particularly beneficial for those with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). Lastly, sports therapy promotes physical health, teamwork, and discipline, while also helping to alleviate stress and improve mood. Collectively, these therapies enrich mental health, encourage social interaction, and support emotional well-being, making them powerful tools in educational and therapeutic settings for youth development.

  1. Emotional Distress: Many students carry emotional burdens that can significantly hinder their ability to focus and engage in academic activities. Art therapy offers a safe outlet for expressing feelings like anxiety, depression, or trauma without the need for words, thus reducing stress and enhancing mental well-being.
  2. Behavioural Issues: Students struggling with behavioral challenges such as impulsivity, aggression, or hyperactivity can benefit from structured activities like sport and play therapies. These therapies help them channel their energy positively, develop self-control, and improve social skills.
  3. Social Skills Deficits: For those who find it difficult to interact with peers or form meaningful relationships, therapies involving group activities can foster a sense of belonging and improve teamwork and communication skills. Art and play therapy sessions, in particular, encourage collaboration and empathy among students.
  4. Low Self-Esteem and Confidence: Engaging in creative activities like art can significantly boost self-esteem. Completing a project gives a sense of accomplishment, while the open-ended nature of art allows for personal expression and validation of the student’s unique perspective.
  5. Learning Disabilities: Students with learning disabilities may experience frustration and demotivation in traditional learning environments. Therapeutic programmes tailored to these students use multisensory activities that make learning more accessible and enjoyable, helping them to develop academic skills at their own pace and in ways that suit their learning styles.

By addressing these challenges, art therapy and related programmes not only remove barriers to learning but also contribute to a holistic development of students, preparing them better for both academic and personal success.


Play Therapy

Play Therapy School Children

Art Therapy

Staff Wellbeing

Our services are dedicated to supporting school staff through mental health issues and stress at work, ensuring a healthier, more productive educational environment. By partnering with us, schools can access a comprehensive range of support mechanisms designed to prevent staff absenteeism, assist during leave, and facilitate a smooth return to work. Here are the key reasons why a school should consider our support services:

  • Prevention of Absenteeism: We provide proactive support to help prevent staff from needing to take leave due to stress and mental health issues.
  • Support During Leave: Our tailored support helps staff cope and manage their health during periods of leave, making the process less daunting.
  • Aid in Return to Work: We ensure staff receive the necessary support to reintegrate smoothly and confidently back into their roles.
  • Comprehensive Wellbeing Support: We offer 1:1 support, group work sessions, and workshops focused on nutrition, mindset, fitness, and overall wellbeing.
  • Lifestyle Improvements: Our programs help staff make lasting changes to their lifestyles, promoting better health and wellbeing.
  • Cost Savings: By reducing staff turnover and absenteeism, we help schools save on recruitment and temporary staffing costs.
  • Staff Consistency: Our support helps maintain a consistent teaching staff, which contributes to a stable learning environment for students.
  • Flexible Delivery: Services can be provided at our hub, remotely online, or confidentially on school premises.
  • Workshops and Training: We organise workshops on well-being, fitness, and nutrition, available after school hours or during school training days, tailored to fit the school’s schedule.

By addressing staff well-being through our holistic approach, schools can not only enhance their educational outcomes but also foster a supportive and thriving work environment.

Meet the Team

Lauren Barras

Lauren Barras


Sheffield & Rotherham

Callum Cousins

Callum Cousins


Sheffield & Rotherham

Yasmin Mason

Yasmin Mason

Sport Leader

Eden Radford

Eden Radford


Stacey Hall

Stacey Hall

SENDCo - Outreach Lead

Rob Newton

Rob Newton

Rotherham Founder - Education lead

Teresa South

Teresa South

Rotherham - Teaching Assistant

Kathryn Hall

Kathryn Hall

SEND - Teaching Assistant

Some students struggle with mainstream school, they can take up time and disrupt the learning of others.

“Empowering Student Success: Alternative Provision Objectives”

The objectives of our Alternative Provision are centred around providing a supportive and inclusive educational environment for students. We aim to:

1. Tailor support: Create individualised learning plans and offer small class sizes to cater to the unique needs of each student.

2. Foster holistic development: Emphasize social and emotional growth, providing therapeutic interventions and building resilience and self-esteem.

3. Promote academic success: Enhance attendance rates, boost academic outcomes, and address barriers to learning through targeted support.

4. Collaborate with schools: Work closely with schools to fulfil legal obligations, manage challenging behaviours, and ensure an inclusive education for all students.

Through these objectives, we strive to empower students to reach their full potential and succeed academically and personally.