
KRS Education Secondary School Curriculum

KRS Education secondary school Curriculum
AQA Unit Award Scheme

The AQA unit Awards are great for all those who take them, receiving certification for passing modules building confidence, building a porfolio of qualifications, enabling the student to learn building to larger qualifications. These weave within multiple subjects and projects. Meaning an AQA topic builds towards a Skills first Active IQ functional skills. 

Skiilsfirst Functional Skills and Sporting Qualifications Active IQ

Functional Skills are brilliant to build confidence enabling the students who acheive level 2 to move onto an apprenceship, also helps them relax when it comes to GCSE. Some schools are working with us solely on functionals skills with varying groups of students they have identified. 
Active Iq also offers sports qualifications, this may an introduction into sport, or to sports qualifications leading to potential college courses, apprentices or employment.

Multi Accreditations

We deliver a range of courses, teaching british values and Prevent with accredited courses. Young people can pass food hygiene Pass a course understanding Autism, epilepsy and much more. 

You Matter Always

Our range of You Matter Programmes cover a range of issues young people may be battling, from trauma to bereavement, supporting anger managment, SEMH and helping SEND students understand their emotions. 

Level Up Academy

Level Up Academy: Education Meets Opportunity in Esports and Beyond The world of education is evolving, and the Level Up Academy is leading the way, offering students a unique chance to combine academics with the thriving world of esports. This innovative programme...