‘KRS have supported PE development and CPD at Reignhead this year and will continue to do so next year.
KRS staff are experienced coaches who have worked with pupils, teachers and teaching assistants across all key stages. They have a very good understanding of the National Curriculum and have successfully followed (and made adaptations where necessary) to the school’s own PE curriculum. The coaches have formed very good working relationships with staff; currently working alongside our HLTAs – they observe and learn new techniques which they are then able to replicate in other PE lessons that they deliver. This has proven to be a very effective method of CPD and has been positively received by staff. We have extended this model to other teaching staff across school who expressed some need for CPD in the teaching of PE.
KRS are incredibly flexible and are always so accommodating when the need arises. They have happily been involved in Red Nose Days, World Book Days and Comic Relief – they are just so adaptable!
Always at the heart of KRS is the children…children always come first and this is what makes them such a special organisation of professional coaches.’